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Community Linked Activities

We appreciate all opportunities to welcome the many different community groups who share our premises :-

DANCING FEET ACADEMY hold a number of classes at Christ Church, Braunton.

For further information click on this link http://www.dancingfeetacademy.co.uk/

RVS LUNCH CLUB meets on Friday to support elderly members of the community. Contact Bob and Jen Watkins (01271 812703)

BRAUNTON BRIDGE CLUB Wednesday evenings 6:30 to 10:00 pm. For further details, contact Diane Coulstock e-mail: thecoulstocks@hotmail.co.uk

BRAUNTON VOLUNTEERS arranges transport for elderly and less able people to hospital, doctor and other healthcare appointments.  Open 9.30 – 12.30 Monday to Thursday.   Contact (01271) 815222.

COMMUNITY CAFE every Thursday 2.30 to 4.30


Activities for Sunday 2nd to Sunday 9th March



Sun 2nd

Morning Worship
Led by David Peyton  

South Street Service

Mon 3rd

Vista Fitness
10.30am to 12noon & 1.30pm to 3pm.

Dancing Feet Academy
6.15 to 8.30pm

Tues 4th

U 3 A
10 to 12noon

Story Bears
9.30am to 11am

Dancing Feet Academy
 3.45pm to 8.30pm

Wed 5th

Wednesday Service
Led By  Rosemary Kerswell

3.30pm to 4.30pm

Bridge Club
6.30pm to 10pm

Thurs 6th

Community Café
2.30 to 4.30pm

Adult Tap
5pm to 6pm

Dancing Feet Academy
6.15 to 8.30pm

Fri 7th

Lunch Club
9am to 1.30pm

Sat 8th

Dancing Feet Academy
9.15am to 5.30pm

Sun 9th

Morning Service

South Street Service



Christ Church Activities This Week